Thursday, October 9

Dream-Come-True Story: Four In One Gratitude

Again, here's my collection of Dream-Come-True verbatim...enjoy reading...

Four In One Gratitude

By Connie C.
from Philippines

I started my life working and doing business so young, helping out my family at the age of 10, married at the age of 16, widowed at the age of 33. I had countless foster children that I had supported without asking anything in return, and all of them are professional in their own fields. Thanks to god I was blessed and successful throughout these years, until in 2006 my life had collapsed. My father died, I lost my business, friends, relatives, family turned their backs on me, and my relationship of 14 years left me for another woman. Everything was in turmoil. I'd lost everything... what was left to me was my four children, homeless, and depressed.

With so much generosity to others, I had forgotten myself.

Little did I know at the time, out of my greatest despair was to come the greatest gift. I've been given a glimpse of a great secret - The Secret book, given to me by my friend Leony and the DVD by my niece Itches.

After reading the book and watching The Secret I started to apply the Secret process in my daily life. Thanks to the universe, after six months of applying it in my life, my life was transformed into better; I built up a new financing business effortlessly with a very minimal capital, and it's getting better every day.

Out of nowhere I had a distant relationship with a man who shared his time and love despite not knowing and seeing me personally. He is in Turkey while am here in the Philippines. His love was the instrument for me to be inspired in my daily undertakings, and with his love I learned to let go of my past relationship who had ruined my life. I know this was delivered by the universe.

Today my business is getting better, although it is not yet as solid and successful as it maybe. I leave it all to the universe to deliver me
the success of my business, my life, my family, and the fate of my new relationship, wishing he is the man of my life and hoping that the universe will deliver Serkan to me to be the man I would die for, the man I will be with, all my life.

Today I continue to apply the Secret in my life.
With the teaching of the Secret I've learned to love myself first, and to be grateful to everything that I have and to accept what comes into my life and to let go.

With my deepest gratitude I wish to thank Rhonda Byrne, Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley, and John Assaraf, for their teachings in The Secret. Without you people, especially Rhonda Byrne, I would not be in this life again.

I would like also to thank my youngest daughter Ritchell, who has been supportive and guiding me in this process. She herself is applying the Secret in her life and has been very successful in all her endeavors.

Furthermore, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Serkan, for his love who serves as my inspiration, who helped me so much to feel good always, and in applying the process of the Secret successfully in my daily life.

Lastly, I thank the universe for all the abundance in life, happiness, wealth, health, love, my relationship that the universe delivered to me and will be delivering to me in the future.

Thank you thank you thank you very much.


About Connie C. from Philippines:

I am Connie, 51, a mom of 4, widow, from the Philippines. Businesswoman.

Source: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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