Sunday, October 5

Dream-Come-True Story: Believe and You will receive

Again, here's my collection of Dream-Come-True verbatim...enjoy reading...


Believe and You will receive

By Girlie Jacala
from Philippines

I heard about The Secret while I was watching the Oprah show, and I was amazed at how the lives of the people changed by using The Secret. I wanted to see if The Secret would work for me as it worked for them.

I was skeptical at first but tried my luck anyway. I bought the book in November, 2007 and started reading it right away. After that I visualized that I would be receiving P50,000.00 as Christmas bonus from my boss. Every day when I woke up I would meditate and picture myself holding P50,000.00 check from my boss, and at night before I went to sleep I would do the same. I believed in my heart that I would get that amount of Money.

And true enough on December 15 my boss gave me two checks: One for P30,000 as bonus and 18,000 as 13th month pay. True enough the Secret works for me.

Another manifestation of the Secret in my life is at the start of the year I visualized myself receiving a salary increase. And guess what, I did get it this month without even asking.

At first I didn't want to buy the book or the DVD because it is kinda expensive, but I'm glad I did because the payback of knowing the Secret is much more than what the DVD and the Book cost. Now I'm sharing the Secret with my friends. But I don't let them borrow mine. I told them that the price of The Secret is worth it. Thanks Rhonda for sharing the Secret.

About Girlie Jacala from Philippines:

I am a working mom with an online store. I am sure that the Secret is now guiding me towards my goal of having my own store in the near future.

Source: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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