Saturday, October 4

Dream-Come-True Story: Magic in Little Things:The Pet, the Neighbors, the Purse, & the Memory Game

Again, here's my collection of Dream-Come-True verbatim...enjoy reading...


Magic in Little Things:The Pet, the Neighbors, the Purse, & the Memory Game

By Pixiedust
from Philippines

I have been reading the stories here daily for a month now, and also the visualization daily via the internet, and things have been happening that need telling.

Last May, after I started re-reading The Secret book which I bought last December 2007, many good things have been happening, and actually, many good things have been happening even before I started re-reading the Book! You see, I have been listening to motivational radio programs, and somehow I've started to change the frequency of my thinking to something which can be considered wishful thinking by some people.

We have a neighbor who doesn't look after her pet's poop, and it's terribly irksome, not to mention an eyesore and really stinky. You see, the pet prefers to do his business outside our window, and for the past few months we always woke up to the horrible smell before actually seeing the apparition. The magical moment happened when I was all alone in the house and I was just thinking of how wonderful the neighbors are, and voila! Not only did it make me feel better, but when I looked outside, there was no poop! It has been like that ever since, and all members of my household are no longer angry at the pet.

Then, two weeks ago, I discarded my purse which I've been using since last December. It has big holes in it like a sieve, and I think it's been draining my money away. I thought of buying me a beautiful new purse, but haven't been able to do so for some reason, although I'm at the mall almost every weekend. Then one day my mother gave me a brown purse! The exact design I wanted to buy, but not the right color. I've been using it since and it always makes me feel good.

I'm expecting a lot of other good things to happen, and that includes seeing all my submitted articles printed here and also in a commercial magazine. :)

Another thing I noticed is that whenever I did the memory game, which I've been doing almost daily, the number of tries needed for me to complete the game always corresponds to how I felt before I came to the internet cafe! How is that possible?! I am not expressing my doubt here. I'm simply saying, it has always been right to a T, and that is increasing my belief in LOA!

Thank you! Thank you! and Gob Bless to all who made The Secret possible. :)

About Pixiedust from Philippines:

I am using the LOA daily and loving it!

Source: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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