Tuesday, October 27

When I Arrived At My Destination, I Say I Am Successful

We fail not because we are no good or no money or no etc.

We fail because we are not that clear enough with what we want. Yes, we want abundance, harmonious relationships, happiness, etc… We want all those faces of success be it financial, love life, career or whatever it is you and I want.


Stop feeling bad when you feel you are a failure. Why? Because, you are the only person who can say you are successful or a failure.

Wait a minute! What is success again? Also, what is failure?

Success is arriving at the destination.

In contrast, failure is not arriving at the destination.

So, why did I mention “CLARITY?”

Since, success and failure has something to do with destination, we must know what is destination. Let me tell you what I meant by destination. Destination for me is the place where I or we want to be at. Or, in a corporate world or in some project-related tasks, destination means the goal, the objective—the target.

Therefore, the first step to success is KNOWING where is our destination? What is our goal? What is our objective? What is our target?

To KNOW is to ASK why…

Why we want to be there in that destination? How important it is for me?

Our “why” is the core reason why we choose to be in that destination and achieve that target…

After, we answer our “why”, now we have a clear knowing of what we want—that's

And, when we achieved that what we want, we can say I AM SUCCESSFUL because I ARRIVED AT MY DESTINATION

Otherwise? Am I a failure?

NO, I am not a failure. I am still exploring and navigating how to get to my destination. And, I am not slow in getting to my destination. After all, it is just my first time getting there.

Are we clear?


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