Friday, January 30

Best and Worst Brain Foods

If you want to make the right decisions in confusing times—Time to refinance? Explore a different career? Root for the singing spinster or the 12-year-old?—you need to pay special attention to what you eat. That’s right: Your grocery list can help with your to-do list. That’s because the right foods are a kind of clean-burning fuel for your body’s biggest energy hog: Your brain. A study in the Journal of Physiology makes the point that, though your brain represents only 2 percent of your body weight, it makes 20 percent of the energy demands on your resting metabolism.

On our new Eat This, Not That! Web site, we rounded up the best foods to munch on when you need a mental boost—and found studies that show, in fact, that you can be up to 200 percent more productive if you make the right eating choices. Stock up on these items to halt mental decline, jog your memory, sharpen your senses, improve your performance, activate your feel-good hormones, and protect your quick-witted sharpness, whether you’re 15, 40—or not admitting to any age whatsoever!

Drink This!: COFFEE

Fresh-brewed joe is the ultimate brain fuel. Caffeine has been shown to retard the aging process and enhance short-term memory performance. In one study, British researchers found that just one cup of coffee helps improve attention and problem-solving skills.


Ever heard of the concept “too much of a good thing”? If you OD on caffeine—too many cups, a jolt of caf from the late afternoon onward, a Red Bull cocktail—it can mess with your shuteye schedule. Sleep is reboot time for your mental computer, and you don’t want to mess with it.


Antioxidants in blueberries help protect the brain from free-radical damage and cut your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s here to read more :

Wednesday, January 28

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence - Body Smart

Ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves through movement. They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand co-ordination. (e.g. ball play, balancing beams). Through interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process information.

Their skills include:

  • dancing
  • physical co-ordination
  • sports
  • hands on experimentation
  • using body language
  • crafts
  • acting
  • miming
  • using their hands to create or build
  • expressing emotions through the body

Possible career paths:

  • athletes
  • physical education teachers
  • dancers
  • actors
  • firefighters
  • artisans

Saturday, January 24

3 Steps To Unfailing Riches

Step 1 : Never make a negative statement about finances, such as "I can't pay the rent," "I can't make ends meet," "Business is very bad," "I can't pay my bills," and so on. As soon as negative thought, "I can't..." comes to mind, affirm instead: "I am one with the Infinite storehouse within me, and all my needs are met instantaneously." It may be necessary to do this fifty times in one hour, but persist and the negative thought will cease to trouble you.

Step 2: Make it a habit during the course of the day to condition your mind to the riches of the infinite by affirming: " God is an ever present help in time of trouble," and, "God is the instant and immediate source of my supply, presenting me with all the ideas necessary at every moment of time and point of space."

Step 3: Lull yourself to sleep every night by reiterating this great truth: "I am ever grateful for God's riches that are ever active, ever present, unchanging and eternal."

Thursday, January 22

Category of Earners: YOYO and POPPER

There are two category of earners: The YOYO and The POPPER.

YOYO stands for “You’re On Your Own”

This includes wide range of business, from selling to flea markets, to trading, to paper and real estate investing.

POPPER stands for “Plenty Of Partners Producing Enormous Rewards”

These are already set-up businesses, from franchising, to direct selling, to multi-level-marketing or networking.

If you choose to be in the YOYO category, that’s fine and it’s a great way to start.

Of course, two heads are better than one.

It is greater and more profitable when you also do POPPER. Aside from the great rewards, it is more fun!

Tuesday, January 20

Temperament Blend: ChlorMel - Choleric Melancholy

Choleric Melancholy or ChlorMel is an extremely industrious and capable person.

The optimism and practicality of the Choleric side overcomes the tendency toward moodiness of the Melancholy, making the ChlorMel both goal-oriented and detailed.

ChlorMels have quick analytical mind and they usually do well in school.

ChlorMels are decisive and they are the kind of leaders whom one can always count on to do an extraordinary job.

ChlorMels are excellent debater. In fact, never take a ChlorMel on in a debate unless you are assured of your facts, for he/she will make mincemeat of you, combining verbal aggressiveness and attendance to detail.

Someone with this temperament is extremely competitive and forceful in all that he does. He/she is a dogged researcher and is usually successful, no matter what kind of business he pursues. This temperament probably makes the best natural leader.

Equally as great as their strengths are their weaknesses. They are apt to be autocratic, a dictator type who inspires admiration and hate simultaneously.

As an opinionated person, he/she loves an argument, enjoys the role of a devil's advocate.

They are natural born crusader whose work habits are irregular and long.

Many of the leaders of activist organizations are ChlorMels, their philosophy of life determining which they are on.

Sunday, January 18

Intrapersonal Intelligence - Myself Smart

Ability to self-reflect and be aware of one's inner state of being. These learners try to understand their inner feelings, dreams, relationships with others, and strengths and weaknesses.

Their Skills include:
  • recognizing their own strengths and weaknesses
  • reflecting and analyzing themselves
  • awareness of their inner feelings
  • desires and dreams
  • evaluating their thinking patterns
  • reasoning with themselves
  • understanding their role in relationship to others

Possible Career Paths:
  • researchers
  • theorists
  • philosophers

Saturday, January 17

Table Of Contents: Fitness & Wellness

Table Of Contents: Fitness & Wellness

Part 1 : Vitamins, Minerals & Food Supplements
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin B2
Herbals and its benefits

Part 2 : Physical Fitness
Hula Hoop To Flatten Abs

Part 3 : Taking Care Of The Mind and Body
Effects of Cold Water
The main causes of liver damage
Brain Damaging Habits
Reasons for sleeping and waking up early.
Best and Worst Brain Foods

Friday, January 16

Temperament Blend: ChlorSan - Choleric Sanguine

Choleric Sanguine or ChlorSan is one such powerful personality.

ChlorSan is the strongest natural leader of all the temperament combination and is usually the one who involuntarily takes over any group or organization in which she is involved.

Someone who has this personality blend is a highly opinionated person and has enough extroversion to state what she thinks before others announce their ideas.

ChlorSan is not only powerful, but is also determined to have her way.

ChlorSans are very capable, energetic people who have a strong will.

Thursday, January 15

Table Of Contents: Relational, Social/Emotional Aspects

Table Of Contents: Relational, Social/Emotional Aspects

Part 1 : Personality Temperament
Who Am I: My Personality Temperament
Let's Have Fun with Popular Sanguine
Let's Get Organized with Perfect Melancholy
Let's Get Moving with Powerful Choleric
Let's Relax with Peaceful Phlegmatic
Personality Temperament Blends
What is your Temperament or Temperament Blend?
Temperament Blend: ChlorMel - Choleric Melancholy
Temperament Blend: ChlorSan - Choleric Sanguine
Temperament Blend: SanChlor - Sanguine Choleric

Part 2 : Communication Skills
Communication Fundamentals
Verbal Communication Models
Communication Responsibility

Part 3 : Parental Logic
Parental Logic: Can You Scare Parents?
Parental Logic: Can Parents Sleep Like A Baby?
Parental Logic: What is Prenatal?
Parental Logic: Forgiving Your Own Parents
Parental Logic: You Have A Baby?!?!
Parental Logic: Minority Rule
Parental Logic: Amnesia
Parental Logic: Family Planning
Parental Logic: Security
Parental Logic: Who Rule In The Family?
Parental Logic: Ways To Get Things Done
Parental Logic: Little Adorable
Parental Logic: OW
Parental Logic: Children's Property Laws
Parental Logic: Gratification
Parental Logic: Advanced Parenthood

Part 4 : How To Know He Is Not The One In 10 Days
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 1)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 2)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 3)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 4)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 5)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 6)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 7)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 8)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 9)
How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day10)

Wednesday, January 14

Temperament Blend: SanChlor - Sanguine Choleric

Sanguine Choleric or SanChlor is the strongest extroverts of all.

Those who have this blend is made up of the two most powerful extrovertish temperaments.

Since the Sanguine temperament predominates, SanChlors are happy individuals who have charisma to burn.

The choleric side of their nature provides the necessary discipline and resolution that will enable him/her to give a favorable first impression.

SanChlors have the capacity to lift everyone's spirit around them and are genuinely fun, loving people.

Tuesday, January 13

Table Of Contents: Money, Finance & Financial Literacy 101

Table Of Contents: Money, Finance & Financial Literacy 101

Part 1 : Four Groups of Money-Makers

Four Groups of Money-Makers
Four Groups of Money-Makers: Group 4 Capitalist an...
Four Groups of Money-Makers: Group 3 Big Time Indu...
Four Groups of Money-Makers: Group 2 Small or Medi...
Four Groups of Money-Makers: Group 1 Salaried or Waged

Part 2 : Basics Of Income And Earners

The Basics of Income and Earner
The Basics of Income and Earner: What Is An Activ...
The Basics of Income and Earner: Who Is An Active...
Who among the money-makers belong to Active Income...
The Basics of Income and Earner: What Is A Passiv...
The Basics of Income and Earner: Who Is A Passive...
Who among the money-makers belong to Passive Incom...
Active Income versus Passive Income
Sources of Active Income: Get a Job, Get Employed...
Sources of Active Income: Self-Employed or Profes...
Sources of Passive Income: Business Owner
Sources of Passive Income: Investor (Part 1)
Sources of Passive Income: Investor (Part 2) - Pap...
Sources of Passive Income: Investor (Part 3) - Rea...
Category of Earners: YOYO and POPPER
The Money-Makers Matrix (3M)

Part 3 : Accounting 101

Accounting 101: Basics - The least we need to kn...
Accounting 101: Financial Statements
Accounting 101: Balance Sheet
Accounting 101: Income Statement
Accounting 101: CashFlow Statement
Accounting 101: What Is An Asset?
Accounting 101: What Is A Liability?
Accounting 101: What Is A Capital?
Accounting 101: What Is A Networth?
Accounting 101: How To Interpret Your Networth?
How Is Your Networth Look Like?

Part 4 : Basics of Investments and Investing

Basics of Investments and Investing
Investments and Investing: OWNERSHIP INVESTMENTS
Investments and Investing: PASSIVE ENTREPRENEURSHI...
Investments and Investing: GOVERMENT SECURITIES
Investments and Investing: BONDS

Part 5 : Money Management Tips

Reflection: How We End Up With So Much Debt
Separating Needs from Wants
Pareto or 80/20 Principle Applied To Passive and A...
Manage Earnings! Divide Income by 3
Maximization: Reduce Expense - Increase Income
My Style of Earnings Management
Wise Money Borrowings

Part 6 : Self-Equipping

Roads to Financial Freedom: URL - Unlearn, Relearn, Learn
New Story for Abundance (Part 1)
New Story for Abundance (Part 2)
New Story for Abundance (Part 3)
Are You Setting Aside Time To Build Your Empire?
What to do in our set “Building-My-Empire” Time?
Reminder: Build Your Empire
First Things First: Know Your Financial Standing
Start Blaming Yourself...You Are The One Who Create Your Poverty
Every Master Was Once A Disaster
3 Steps To Unfailing Riches

Part 7 : More Income Sources, Negosyo ‘n Business Ideas

Income Sources for the Unemployed
Income Sources for the Pinoy Youth
Income Source: Sidelines
Income Source: Blogging
Income Source: Internet Marketing
Income Source: oDesk
Income Source: Work From Home

Part 8 : More On Online Money Making

Professional Marketing System that Explodes Bloggi...
Increase Blogging Traffic

Monday, January 12

Vitamin A

Sunday, January 11

Table Of Contents: Mental & Mind Development, Nature & Spirituality

Table Of Contents: Mental & Mind Development Nature & Spirituality

Part 1 : Natural Laws, Universal Laws, Universal Principles

Natural Laws - Universal Laws
Nature and Its Natural Universal Laws
The GREAT Law (continued)
Law of Vibration
Law of Giving
Law of Action
Law of GOYA

Part 2 : Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences
What are your Top Multiple Intelligences?
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence - Body Smart
Intrapersonal Intelligence - Myself Smart
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence - Word Smart
Knowledge of the Self: Our Intelligences
Interpersonal Intelligence - People Smart
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence - Music Smart
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence - Number Smart
Visual/Spatial Intelligence - Picture Smart

Part 3 : Self-Equipping

I Empower Myself
Vision Boards: The blue print of my dream realities Part1
Vision Boards: The blue print of my dream realities Part2
Vision Boards: The blue print of my dream realities Part3
Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life
Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life (Part 2)
Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life (Part 3)
Zero Limits
Ho'oponopono Magic Sentences
Helene Hadsell's Winning Formula
Do you believe in DESTINY?
Being Good In School...Not A Guarantee For Success
When I Arrived At My Destination, I Say I Am Succesful
Half-Hearted Commitment Makes Us Fail

Saturday, January 10

Communication Responsibility

More often, my boss and I argue about the reports I'm presenting. He keeps on telling me that they want it presented in different way or use such and such methodology. As a result, most of the reports have to be done again the way they want. What a waste of time! A part of me is telling me to defend myself and say that it's what you told me to do. I'm just coming from your words. I'm doing the reports the way you explain it. In my mind, my boss do not know how to explain and have the nerve to get angry. I'm expecting him to communicate with me effectively.

Since he is the one giving the instructions, should he be the one responsible for effective communication?

What is effective communication? or What is good communication?

Ah! From now on I will take 100% responsibility for two things when I'm communicating...

  1. I will take responsibility for understanding what the person I'm talking with is saying and what he/she means by what he/she is saying.
  2. I will take responsibility for ensuring that the person I'm talking with understands what I am saying.
In observation, when I employed these two things in communicating with my boss, we had no or less argument and less re-do of the reports.

Since I find it effective, I'm using them in my everyday conversation.

Thursday, January 8

Helene Hadsell's Winning Formula

Her 4-Step Winning Formula:

1. Select it

2. Project it

3. Expect it

4. Collect it

Tuesday, January 6

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence - Word Smart

Ability to use words and language. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and are generally elegant speakers. They think in words rather than pictures.

Their skills include:

  • listening
  • speaking
  • writing
  • story telling
  • explaining
  • teaching
  • using humor
  • understanding the syntax and meaning of words
  • remembering information
  • convincing someone of their point of view
  • analyzing language usage

Possible career interests:

  • Poet
  • Journalist
  • Writer
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Translator

Sunday, January 4

Knowledge of the Self: Our Intelligences

When I was young, I was thought of only One Intelligence--The IQ or the Intelligence Quotient. The IQ has something to do with academic. Those relating to aptitude test.

Then some years later, I heard of EQ or the Emotional Intelligence Quotient as being popularized by Daniel Goleman. The EQ has something to do with our emotions. They say this is better than IQ. Most of those with high IQ fail in life because they can not handle or manage life's challenges and adversities. So, it is better to nurture EQ than IQ. But don't forget to develop your mind.

EQ ...
  • Self Awareness
  • Management of Self and emotions

Along the way, I encountered the eight intelligences of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner.

Gardner theorizes the ff.:
1. Spatial Intelligence
(picture smart)
2. Interpersonal Intelligence (people smart)
3. Intrapersonal Intelligence (self smart)

4. Linguistic Intelligence (word smart)
5. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (number/reasoning smart)
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (body smart)
7. Naturalist Intelligence (nature smart)
8. Musical Intelligence (music smart)

Then, Covey educates the people about the "To live, to learn, to love and to leave a legacy" wisdom which basically speaks of Physical Intelligence, Mental Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence.

Physical Intelligence ("To Live") is explained or associated with
  • Physical Health or Well-Being and
  • Financial Health - One's Economic Conditions

Mental Intelligence ("To Learn") is with
  • Learnings
  • Mind Development

Emotional Intelligence ("To Love") is with
  • Love of Self
  • Love of Others

Spiritual Intelligence (To Leave a Legacy) is with
  • Depth in character - Who we are as a person
  • Faith - Our Love and Faith in God
  • Our Legacy - How we want to be looked or perceived by others when we pass away

Then, the latest I heard of is the Social Intelligence presented again by Daniel Goleman.

Social Intelligence - being able to perceive what is happening around.

This is great! We have many intelligences! And, I think there's many more to be discovered.

Friday, January 2

What men need to know about women series

How much you earn is not important.
Women leave men not because they are unhappy with what he can provide,
but because they are emotionally unfulfilled.

Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year!!! Happy 2009!!!

Happy New Year!!!
Happy 2009!!!
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