Sunday, January 4

Knowledge of the Self: Our Intelligences

When I was young, I was thought of only One Intelligence--The IQ or the Intelligence Quotient. The IQ has something to do with academic. Those relating to aptitude test.

Then some years later, I heard of EQ or the Emotional Intelligence Quotient as being popularized by Daniel Goleman. The EQ has something to do with our emotions. They say this is better than IQ. Most of those with high IQ fail in life because they can not handle or manage life's challenges and adversities. So, it is better to nurture EQ than IQ. But don't forget to develop your mind.

EQ ...
  • Self Awareness
  • Management of Self and emotions

Along the way, I encountered the eight intelligences of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner.

Gardner theorizes the ff.:
1. Spatial Intelligence
(picture smart)
2. Interpersonal Intelligence (people smart)
3. Intrapersonal Intelligence (self smart)

4. Linguistic Intelligence (word smart)
5. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (number/reasoning smart)
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (body smart)
7. Naturalist Intelligence (nature smart)
8. Musical Intelligence (music smart)

Then, Covey educates the people about the "To live, to learn, to love and to leave a legacy" wisdom which basically speaks of Physical Intelligence, Mental Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence.

Physical Intelligence ("To Live") is explained or associated with
  • Physical Health or Well-Being and
  • Financial Health - One's Economic Conditions

Mental Intelligence ("To Learn") is with
  • Learnings
  • Mind Development

Emotional Intelligence ("To Love") is with
  • Love of Self
  • Love of Others

Spiritual Intelligence (To Leave a Legacy) is with
  • Depth in character - Who we are as a person
  • Faith - Our Love and Faith in God
  • Our Legacy - How we want to be looked or perceived by others when we pass away

Then, the latest I heard of is the Social Intelligence presented again by Daniel Goleman.

Social Intelligence - being able to perceive what is happening around.

This is great! We have many intelligences! And, I think there's many more to be discovered.

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