Tuesday, February 24

How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 9)

Continuation from How To Know HE IS NOT THE ONE IN 10 DAYS (Day 8)


He takes you to a breakfast.
He uses a coupon.
He flirts with the waitress, then does not tip her.
He accuses you of flirting with everybody.
He suggests a 3-some to liven up your sex life.
You notice his back-ne.
He drives with his elbow out the window and plays air guitar on the steering wheel.
He wears sandals/slippers.
He refers to you as his old lady.
He does not include you in any conversation.
If you try to speak, he raises his voice higher.
You realize his boobs are bigger than yours.
After sex, he tells you he wants to marry a virgin.

To be continued...click here to read day 10

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