Wednesday, December 10

Do you believe in DESTINY?

A few days ago, I was chatting with my friend.

Out of nowhere, this friend, suddenly ask me, Do you believe in destiny?

Deep inside I'm wondering why will this friend ask me that.


Then, I said, I will not be planning about my next move or action if I'm destined to be so rich later (hehehe) .

She replied, there are people who believe in destiny because it happens.

I said, What you believe about yourself is what you will become.

If the person believes that he is destined to live a poor and miserable life then he will become poor and miserable. Likewise, if the person believes he will have limitless abundance, then he'll live in prosperity. What you believe in will happen to you. That's why others believe that destiny is real. They became what they believed in.

I replied further, what I believe is that I am a child of God not a servant.

Since my friend have a child already, I further added, you already have a child. You are now a parent. Deep within you is a longing of giving everything within your power to your dear child.
God is the same. He will give what His Children ask from Him.

There are people around us who seemed so blessed. Why? Because these people are asking and praying for BIG blessings. So, when praying for wealth and big blessings don't feel guilty, ashamed or bad. We are children of God. We are entitled for that BIG BIG blessings.

God is full of abundance. He can give anything we want. He is limitless. And, He is very willing to give and shower us with abundance.

That's what I believe!

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