Tuesday, November 3

Half-Hearted Commitment Makes Us Fail

We fail because we do not want it bad enough!

Even if we know and we are clear with what we want, still we experience failure. Why? Because KNOWING what we want is only the first step.

Becoming successful is like a computer game—the success is in the leveling up.


What we want is the so-called “desires.”

“Desire” has levels. The first is the Wish level. Second is the Want level. And, third is the COMMIT level.

The WISH level

No explanatory needed. We experience this every day. We are always wishing for something. Like, “I wish to be rich,” “Only if I could, I will be…”
And, we know nothing happens in the just wishing level.

The WANT level

Ever notice when we say “I want this or that,” we bring ourself to action. We are planning for some battle plan to have that want. We act and bring some results.

And, when we do not get the results after we act we stop. We simply just get frustrated and simply conclude that our desires are not achievable or not realistic to achieve. We feel we are going to get ourselves killed in our mission and simply escape the battle.

The COMMIT level or the COMMITTED level or the COMMITMENT level

This is the level where the coward becomes brave.

The mindset is make things happen. The thinking becomes like the thinking of God. Making things happen. Nothing is impossible.

The determined mind is set and the focus is on the finish line.

The desire becomes burning. Burning desires! “I want it bad enough!” and “I am committed to have it whatever it takes!”

In this level, we feel and believe what we dream on is real and will exist and will happen in some near future. We know it will happen.

Why stop now? We already invested our time, efforts, energy and resources. Stopping now and in the middle of the battle is dangerously costly. The most crucial loss we will ever face is the lost time. We can bring back energy and resources. But the time lost is lost forever.

LEVEL UP to the COMMITMENT level. COMMITMENT will bring us to our destination—to our target.

Be fully committed to your dreams. Make it happen. Make it real.

1 comment:

Sonja said...

nice blogs, keep up spirits

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