Thursday, July 31

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

Poverty is a mental illness. Claim boldly, "God's wealth is circulating in my life and there is always a Divine surplus."

Wednesday, July 30

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

A magnificent way to contact the storehouse within is to make a habit of affirming: "God supplies all my needs now." Wonders happen as you pray this way.

Tuesday, July 29

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

There is a definite law of cause and effect in everything. Believe in God's riches, and you shall receive. It is done unto you as you believe.

Monday, July 28

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

The law of attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thought life. Your environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking. Thought rules the world.

Sunday, July 27

Leadership Insights of the day

Good leadership always makes a difference!

Leadership is not easy to learn.

Becoming a better leader pays dividends, but it takes a great effort.

Leadership requires a lot from a person.

It is demanding and complex.

Saturday, July 26

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

Your subconscious mind, which is the storehouse of riches, responds to your sincere thoughts in ways you know not of.

Friday, July 25

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

There is an abundance of opportunity for you. Go with the current of life and stop swimming against the tide. There is an infinite number of ideas to draw out of your subconscious; a new idea you have may be worth thousands or millions of money.

Thursday, July 24

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

God always is successful in all His undertakings. You are one with God; therefore, you can't fail. You were born to conquer.

Wednesday, July 23

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

All riches are of the mind. It is your mental attitude that determines wealth or poverty. Think riches and riches follow; think poverty and poverty follows.

Tuesday, July 22

Affirmations for the day

God’s power, strength, peace, wisdom, and joy are mine now. His love fills my soul, and His light reveals to me better ways to serve mankind.

Monday, July 21

Think and Gain Riches (Collection of Thoughts)

Use the laws of mind and extract from the infinite storehouse within you everything you need to lead a glorious and successful life.

Sunday, July 20

Affirmations for the day

Wealth and poverty have their origins in your own mind. You must come to a clear-cut decision that you intend to be wealthy and successful. Wealth is not a matter of chance, luck, or coincidence. The only chance you have is the chance you make for yourself.

Saturday, July 19

I Empower Myself

Good day, World!

I am on a journey. I am in the process of achieving the life I want for myself. Yes, like everybody else, I want to attain the life of complete financial freedom. For me, financial freedom is having both the time and money so I can do those I love and like doing, so I can have those I love and like having and so I can be the person I want to fall in love with.

Along my journey, I encountered Covey's four key dimensions of life--body, brain, heart and soul--the "to live, to learn, to love and to leave a legacy." The book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People waked me up. It made me realize that to deal better with life especially in life's challenges, is to keep one's personal self sharp. This means regular renewing and strengthening the four key dimensions of life. From that time I encountered Covey's book, it is the "Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw" which impressed in my mind the most.

So from that day and onwards, I made the "To live, to learn, to love and to leave a legacy" as my credo or creed in life. I decided to explore learnings in these four dimensions and sharpen my saw in these areas. While doing so I discovered that there are a lot of people who are willing to extend their hands, help and reach-out others. At this point, I realized the saying "When the student is ready, the teacher will show up" is true. People are coming to my life and pointing me to the directions and paths that I should take. And, I am very grateful to God for guiding me in my journey.

Every now and then, I am self educating me. I made a self-education program for myself. I categorized the program into four dimensions and daily, I will devote at least 20 minutes of reading, listening, studying, researching or exploring any one of the following:

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